
How did this happen?

1933 – Polyethylene, the most commonly used plastic, is created by accident at a chemical plant in Northwich, England. While polyethylene had been created in small batches before, this was the first synthesis of the material that was industrially practical, and it was initially used in secret by the British military during World War II.

Photo by Wikipedia

1965年——一体式聚乙烯购物袋由瑞典Celloplast公司申请了专利。这款由工程师斯滕·古斯塔夫·图林(Sten Gustaf Thulin)设计的塑料袋很快在欧洲取代了布袋和纸袋。
1965 – The one-piece polyethylene shopping bag is patented by the Swedish company Celloplast. Designed by engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin, the plastic bag quickly begins to replace cloth and plastic in Europe.

Photo by Flickr

1979 – Already controlling 80% of the bag market in Europe, plastic bags go abroad and are widely introduced to the United States. Plastic companies begin to aggressively market their product as superior to paper and reusable bags.

Photo by Creative Commons

1982 – Safeway and Kroger, two of the biggest supermarket chains in the United States, switch to plastic bags. More stores follow suit and by the end of the decade plastic bags will have almost replaced paper around the world.

Photo by visualhunt

1997年——航海家兼研究人员查尔斯·摩尔(Charles Moore)发现了太平洋垃圾带。海洋环流会使大量的塑料垃圾聚集,而这一垃圾带是世界上五大海洋塑料聚集区面积最大的一个,严重威胁着海洋生物的生存。塑料袋因造成大量海龟丧生而臭名昭著,它们被海龟当做水母而误食,从而使其窒息而亡。
1997 – Sailor and researcher Charles Moore discovers the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the largest of several gyres in the world’s oceans where immense amounts of plastic waste have accumulated, threatening marine life. Plastic bags are notorious for killing sea turtles, which mistakenly think they are jellyfish and eat them.

Photo by Creative Commons

2002 – Bangladesh is the first country in the world to implement a ban on thin plastic bags, after it was found they played a key role in clogging drainage systems during disastrous flooding. Other countries begin to follow suit.

Photo by Reuters

2011 – Worldwide one million plastic bags are consumed every minute.

Photo by Reuters

2017 – Kenya bans plastic bags, making it one the most recent of the more than two dozen countries that have sought to reduce plastic bag use through fees or bans.

Photo by visualhunt

2018 – #BeatPlasticPollution is chosen as the theme of World Environment Day, hosted this year by India. Companies and governments around the world continue to announce new pledges to tackle plastic waste.

Source: UN World Environment Day

专访气候专家霍顿教授 海平面上升新加坡危机上升




本地气候专家班雅明·霍顿教授(Benjamin Horton,48岁)说,他与其他科学家当前的工作,是要避免新加坡成为下一个亚特兰蒂斯。





18个月前移居新加坡的霍顿受访时笑说,新加坡聘请他过来做研究,意味着新加坡已有所行动。他所属的南洋理工大学新加坡地球与观测研究所(Earth Observatory of Singapore)过去两年聘请了三个相关领域的研究员。研究所已从最初的地震研究,开始导向海平面相关研究。



霍顿生于英国,曾在美国宾夕法尼亚大学任教14年,目前是地球与观测研究所首席研究员,也是参与联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,简称IPCC)报告编审与评估工作的研究员。










有三个年幼孩子的霍顿在面对气候暖化与海平面上升问题时,父亲的身份让他更有忧患意识。他认为如今政策制定者会更严肃看待这些课题,也因问题已来到跟前,即便不看预测,澳大利亚热浪、北美极地旋涡(polar vortex)等极端天气,都是大家看得到或感受得到的。















这些研究的依据都是我们目前能掌握的观测数据。1993年至2009年之间也许太短,这组数据的意义是具争议性的。尤其这期间有1997/1998年的厄尔尼诺现象,那是有史以来赤道附近最强烈的厄尔尼诺—南方震荡现象(El Nino-Southern Oscillation,简称ENSO)之一,估计会影响研究结果。厄尔尼诺现象是自然变异,与气候变化无关。









Source: Zaobao








Source: Zaobao

Singapore’s yearly waste weighs the same as 530,000 double-decker buses, and that’s not sustainable: Masagos

Singapore generated 7.7 million tonnes of waste last year, equivalent to the weight of 530,000 double-decker buses. It is an amount that is not sustainable in the long run, said Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli.

In addition to reducing waste and moving towards more sustainable consumption, adopting a circular economy approach in the way Singapore use its resources is key, he added.

“Our vision is to turn our trash into treasure and reuse and recycle our resources for as long as possible,” said Mr Masagos, during his address on Saturday (April 13) at the public screening of Closing The Loop, a documentary on the circular economy – an economic system that aims to minimise and transform waste into resources.

He stressed that the amount of waste disposed of in Singapore has jumped seven times over the last 40 years and that Semakau landfill is projected to run out of space by 2035.

The Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources’ $45 million Closing the Waste Loop R&D initiative launched in 2017, which funds projects that adopt circular economy approaches, is one solution, he added.

But, at the individual level, more can be done in homes to close the waste loop. He cited composting, a process that converts food waste into a nutrient-rich material that can be used to fertilise edible plants and veggies, as an example.

“If enough of us do this, we can reduce the number of rubbish trucks needed to transport our rubbish to the incinerator. This will reduce carbon emissions and help mitigate climate change. In short, there are immense possibilities to make a difference,” said Mr Masagos.

Organised by Keppel Group in support of Earth Day 2019, the public screening of the full-length documentary saw over 1,000 people turning up at the Eco Lake Lawn in Singapore Botanic Gardens on Saturday.

The award-winning documentary highlights examples from around the world on innovative applications of technology, process improvements and labour solutions to reduce waste and pollution using circular economy solutions.

Keppel Land’s chief executive Mr Tan Swee Yiow, who was present at the screening, said: “A circular economy is beneficial, as it places less demand for natural resources. The Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources has designated 2019 as Singapore’s Year Towards Zero Waste, and this screening is timely, in support of efforts to raise awareness of the need to conserve resources.”

Source: Straits Times







Tanzania plans to ban the production, importation, sale and use of all single-use plastic bags by July, to help tackle pollution from non-biodegradable waste.

The East African nation is the latest country to make a formal commitment to phase out single-use non-biodegradable plastics, which have been identified by the United Nations as one of the world’s biggest environmental challenges.

Of the 9 billion tonnes of plastic the world has produced, only 9 percent has been recycled, according to U.N. estimates.

Tanzania will join more than 60 other countries that have banned, partly banned or taxed single-use plastic bags, including China, France, Kenya, Rwanda and Italy.

In August 2017, neighbouring Kenya introduced one of the world’s toughest bans on plastic bags mandating four years in prison or a fine of $40,000 for even using one.

“The regulations are ready for publication … it is possible that July 1 will mark the end of the use of plastics in the country,” Tanzania’s Environment Minister January Makamba told Parliament on Monday. 

Makamba said a formal announcement on the ban of single-use plastic bags in Tanzania would likely be made later this month. 

Source: Reuters / Zaobao

奈良鹿死后解剖 胃内发现3.2公斤异物






A deer died in Nara in late March apparently from eating discarded plastic bags, according to the Nara Deer Preservation Foundation.

The group rushed to help save the doe on March 23, after receiving a call from a passer-by saying, “There’s a deer near Todaiji temple that cannot stand.”

Deer, believed to be divine messengers, are designated by the government as a natural treasure and roam freely near the temple.

The female, estimated to be 17 years old, measured about 79 centimeters long and weighed about 30 kilograms.

She was feeding and able to consume a little water on March 23 while under the foundation’s care, but died the next morning.

An autopsy on March 27 found a 3.2-kg mass of foreign materials in the first chamber of her stomach, apparently consisting of entangled plastic bags. Deer have a four-chambered stomach.

“Sometimes, garbage is found in the stomach of a weakened deer. However, it’s unusual to see such a large amount of it,” said Rie Maruko, 50, the veterinarian in charge of the autopsy.

“The deer was old, and it is possible she died of old age. But she was skinny and her fur was dull. Apparently, she couldn’t take in enough nutrition because her stomach was blocked by the plastic bags.”

The foundation is investigating the doe’s cause of death further and has asked a specialized institution to conduct a pathology examination of her internal organs.

Source: Asahi Shimbun / Zaobao














Plastic bags are entirely banned from grocery stores of certain scale across Korea starting next Monday.

The Ministry of Environment said Wednesday it will start site inspection across the country from April 1 to monitor the plastic usage in grocery shops of above the scale of 165 square meters with the sun-setting of a three-month grace period. Violation is subject to a penalty of up to 3 million won ($2,636.44).

Plastic packaging is allowed only for wet, moisture-containing foods (tofu, fishes, shells, and meat), products that can melt at room temperature (ice cream), and vegetables with soil on.

Paper bags with one side coated with chemicals to enhance durability are also allowed.

Small-size supermarkets commanding a site of below 165 square meters and traditional markets are not subject to the new law.

Source: Pulse / Zaobao




报告开门见山地指出,尽管《巴黎协定》各签约国承诺减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体排放,并将全球平均气温升幅控制在2摄氏度以下,同时向1.5摄氏度的目标努力,但2018年全球平均气温仍比工业化前水平上升了将近1度。 2018年全球二氧化碳排放量比2017年增加了1.6%,超过了2.7%。1994年,全球的二氧化碳水平为百万分之357,到了2017年,这一数值已经上升到百万分之405.5,2018和2019年还在进一步增加。 “应对全球变暖的努力赶不上气候变化发展的速度”,一语成谶。



自本世纪开始至今,暴露在热浪中的平均人数上升了大约1.25亿,带来了致命的严重后果。联合国秘书长古特雷斯将于2019年9月23日在纽约召开气候行动峰会。他呼吁参会的各国领导人“带着计划书,而不是演讲稿前来”,通过具体切实的方案推动积极变革,让全球从此走上可持续发展道路, 如何能够在未来的十年内将二氧化碳排放量减少45%,如何到2050年实现全球净零排放。这是科学研究所指出的事实,也是全球青年群体所提出的强烈要求。




港府考虑将塑料购物袋征费 提高一倍至1港元






Source: Zaobao

印尼提倡减塑环保意识 顾客需付费买塑胶袋













Having earned notoriety as one of the top marine polluters in the world from plastic waste, Indonesia is taking action, although the government and the private sector may not see eye to eye on how to tackle the problem.

The government has set a target to reduce plastic waste in the ocean as much as 70% by 2025. It also wants to cut overall waste through reducing, reusing and recycling by 30% in the same year. A number of regional administrations have already introduced bans on the use of plastics, especially single-use products.

Bali, the top tourism destination in Indonesia, introduced its policy in late December. Governor I Wayan Koster has set a target to reduce the island’s plastic waste by 60-70% within a year by banning plastic bags, foam containers and straws.

More recently, the Indonesian Retailers Association (Aprindo) reintroduced a policy to charge customers 200 rupiah (equivalent to about 45 satang) per plastic bag starting from March 1.

The government tried to impose a plastic-bag tax in 2016 but it abandoned the plan after a three-month trial amid protests from retailers, especially in the regions. Some even faced police questioning and intervention by local authorities, after customers demanded to know whether the shops had a legal basis for charging a fee.

The Indonesian Consumer Foundation (YLKI) chairman Tulus Abadi said in a statement that paying 200 rupiah per plastic bag was not much of a deterrent, as most people could easily pay for 1,000 rupiah for five plastic bags on a typical shopping trip. The least the retailers could do, he said, would be to switch to biodegradable plastics.

In Jakarta alone, people use between 240 million and 300 million plastic bags per year, or 1,900 to 2,400 tonnes, according to research conducted by the Jakarta administration’s environmental agency and Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik (GIDKP) or Indonesia on a Plastic Bag Diet Movement.

According to environment ministry data, Jakarta produces 2,000 tonnes of plastic waste every day. The four most common items found in coastal areas are disposable plastic bags, straws, plastic sachets and foam containers.

Muharram Atha Rasyadi, a campaigner for Greenpeace Indonesia, said regional administrations’ initiatives to ban single-use plastics should be consistent and implemented thoroughly across the country.

He said businesses have to innovate and abandon the use of single-use plastics for good. Plastic contamination poses different risks to human health in every phase of life from the chemical elements released during use, and after use when the waste pollutes food sources and the environment.

“The main solution to the plastic waste problem is to reduce the supply of single-use plastic. Burning plastic waste in an incinerator is not a solution since it releases toxic chemical elements to the air,” Mr Rasyadi said.

Source: Bangkok Post / Zaobao






Namibia’s Ministry of Environment and Tourism Thursday officially announced the ban of plastic bags in protected areas.

At an event in Windhoek on Thursday, the Minister of Environment and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, said the recent development is historic in the waste management and pollution control programs of the country.

“The move signifies our serious commitment to control pollution in our country in line with the recently launched National Solid Waste Management Strategy, the National Development Plan and United Nations Sustainable Goal No. 3 on health and well being,” he said.

According to Shifeta Government Gazette No. 6285 of April 2017 amended the regulations of the Nature Conservation Ordinance of 1975 with the insertion of a new provision that no person shall enter a game park or nature reserve with a plastic bag.

Shifeta said a person who contravenes this ban is liable to a fine not exceeding 36 U.S. dollars (500 Namibia dollars) or to imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or to both such a fine and such imprisonment.

The minister called on all tourists not to carry plastic carrier bags into the protected areas and his ministry will step up our efforts to enforce this ban over the coming months.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Namibia Wildlife Resorts Leonard Iipumbu on occasion of the event said the organization is in the process to develop its waste management system which will become an integral part of their business.

Source: Xinhua / Zaobao

智利正式颁布“禁塑法” 成拉美首个全面“禁塑国”







Chile made history on Friday (Aug 3) when it became the first country in Latin America to ban the commercial use of plastic bags.

“I want to share with you the joy that as of today we’re enacting the law,” said President Sebastian Pinera at a public ceremony in the centre of Santiago, after which he handed out cloth bags to passers-by.

Large businesses have six months to phase out the use of plastic bags, while smaller ones will be given two years to adapt to the new rules.

It means that any form of plastic bag other than those constituting primary packaging “necessary for hygiene or to prevent food wastage” are prohibited, the government gazette Diario Oficial said on Friday.

Those flouting the ban will be subject to a US$370 (S$505) fine, in a country where the minimum wage is just US$800.

“Without a doubt we’re taking a giant step towards a cleaner Chile,” added Pinera.

In the meantime, companies will be limited to handing out a maximum of two plastic bags per transaction.

Source: AFP / Xinhua